Paintings de Jur
by Ray Suncatcher



Yellow Fin Tuna (5" x 7") - Enlarge
$300 (unframed)



Taos Summer (32" x 48") - Enlarge
Soft Pastel
$3,500 (framed)


I am Ron Duncan. I use the name "Ray Suncatcher" because I had a dream 15 years ago, and was given the name. At the time, I was going through a major transition in my life; my mother has passed away. I lived in Texas and had decided to move to Taos, New Mexico to become an artist. I was a carpenter and became interested in art when I went to an International Art Expo in Dallas. In 1984, I started going to museums and art galleries. I took a one weekend workshop with an artist I'd seen in Artist Magazine. His name was Bob Rohm.

I now paint using soft pastel. My ground is black gesso and pumice gel. I use the black because it gives a more graphic effect. I also use oils, although I don't mix the two media. I enjoy working with both.

I currently create some colorful fish using a pallet knife and oils. My goal is to live near the Pacific ocean and paint a larger variety of fish. I want to do some artwork to help conserve our oceans, since they are the engines that run the planet. I also will be painting sharks and whales, especially whales since there has been a major decline in their population in the past 60 years. These mammals are the largest creatures on earth, and have been in existence for over 100 million years. I hope to help bring to the world's attention how unique these creatures are and how valuable they are to all of existence.

I currently live in Taos, New Mexico. I am pretty much a self taught artist. My advice to other artists is to follow your passions and enjoy what you do.

In Taos? Come to my Studio / Gallery - make a appointment.

If you woulld like to take a workshop, please contact me.

To contact Ray Suncatcher (Ron Duncan):



© 2006 Ronald Duncan - All rights reserved.


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